Coalition Values
The Stakes are High
The family unit as the foundation of a strong community
Constituent engagement in the legislative process
Responsive leadership, working on behalf of all the people
The power of constituent independence

Consensus Building
Your Vote is Your Power

Educational Engagement Initiative
Key Policy
There is a tremendous need for house  level leadership to sponsor legislation and broker the necessary resources that will empower all constituent parents to become proactive partners in the education process. Based on research that suggests risk factors of academic failure occur across varied social domains of influence, which are interrelated and cannot be addressed effectively without coordinated actions, Rueben Dockery is proposing to establish a Davidson County Educational Engagement Initiative. It is designed to foster collaboration between parents and schools across Nashville-Davidson County, in the interest of improving academic achievement for all our children.

Economic Empowerment Initiative
Key Policy
Tragically, far too many small businesses were wiped out in the aftermath of Covid19. The next Representative should work to restore the small business community and expand entrepreneurial opportunities in Nashville-Davidson County. Their vision should include plans to develop over the next four years, an Economic Empowerment Initiative in Tennessee House District 53 which permeates Nashville-Davidson County. This initiative would reduce unemployment and generate economic growth through identifying federal, state and local resources earmarked for constituents. Specific focus is on the following:
Strategic Visions for Change
Community-Based Partnerships
Economic Independence Opportunities
Sustainable Community Development

Health/Wellness Initiative
Key Policy
According to the Tennessee Institute of Public Health, there are four key issues that affect the overall health of Tennesseans to include constituents of House District 53. The determinants are health care 10%, health behaviors 40%, socioeconomic factors 40% and the physical environment 10%. The latter are manifested in the Nashville-Davidson County in forms of alcohol and drug abuse, street and domestic violence, HIV and other STD’s, heart disease and hypertension to name a few. Constituents need senate leadership that will ensure adequate education and treatment for all residents and not a select few.

Public Safety Crime Intervention Initiative
Key Policy
Increasingly, constituents of House District 53 and Nashville-Davidson County have been plagued with a rise in criminal activity. this Coalition recognizes the significant role and contributions of law enforcement officials in the effort to maintain safe streets and neighborhoods. Furthermore, the Coalition understand that factors such as, broken families, dire poverty, academic-underachievement, poor physical and social-emotional health are related to unsafe neighborhoods for business owners, residents and all involved. Accordingly, the Coalition seeks elect house leadership that will utilize state legislation in a manner that guarantee constituents gain maximum benefit of federal, state, and local resources to build and sustain viable neighborhoods.